yum install net-snmp net-snmp-utils
vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
# Map 'idv90we3rnov90wer' community to the 'ConfigUser'
# Map '209ijvfwer0df92jd' community to the 'AllUser'
# sec.name source community
com2sec ConfigUser default idv90we3rnov90wer
com2sec AllUser default 209ijvfwer0df92jd
# Map 'ConfigUser' to 'ConfigGroup' for SNMP Version 2c
# Map 'AllUser' to 'AllGroup' for SNMP Version 2c
# sec.model sec.name
group ConfigGroup v2c ConfigUser
group AllGroup v2c AllUser
# Define 'SystemView', which includes everything under . (or .
# Define 'AllView', which includes everything under .1
# incl/excl subtree
view SystemView included .
view SystemView included .
view AllView included .1
# Give 'ConfigGroup' read access to objects in the view 'SystemView'
# Give 'AllGroup' read access to objects in the view 'AllView'
# context model level prefix read write notify
access ConfigGroup "" any noauth exact SystemView none none
access AllGroup "" any noauth exact AllView none none
/etc/init.d/snmpd restart
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